Does Couples Counseling Really Work?

When you are in a relationship or marriage, it takes a lot of work. No matter how long you have been together, each partner needs to actively put effort into the relationship. Not just for spending time together, but for communication and emotional needs, as well.

At times, relationships can feel like a rollercoaster. There will be many ups and just as many downs - that is completely natural. However, there comes a point in time when the "downs" of it just seems to cancel out the positives. Because of this, many couples may consider couples counseling, but aren't sure if it will be effective or not.

There are many reasons why a couple may go to couples counseling. Even if there is currently no conflict, couples counseling can help improve any relationship.

Here are just a few of the ways that couples counseling is effective.

It Improves Communication

Being able to communicate with your partner is one of the most crucial parts of a successful relationship. For many therapists and experts who specialize with couples, this is often the most cited reason for conflict in a relationship.

Communication can be challenging for any couple. Even for those who have been together for years (or decades) there can be a breakdown in communication. The majority of couples, if not all, will find themselves arguing about even the smallest of matters. And although these fights are not significant by any means, they can still add stress and tension in a relationship.

One of the best ways that couples counseling is effective is that it can improve communication. No matter where you are at in the relationship or what is going on - there is always room for improvement. Counseling can help you learn how to deal with even the smallest of hiccups in a relationship that can cause stress.

Decisions To Make? Counseling Can Help With That!

Couples counseling is far more than just helping couples through challenging times. It is also a great resource for when they are important decisions to make that affect both of you. A change in career that requires a big move? Needing help with parenting related issues?

No matter what you have to decide together, couples counseling can help you get there. Even if there is no decision you need to make. You can learn how to build a better foundation to reaching a mutual agreement together by learning the skills necessary to do so.

It's Preventative

Routinely going in for a couples counseling session is good for the moment and future. Just because everything is smooth now, doesn't mean it will be in a few months from now. A couples session can help fix or prevent issues before they spiral out of control.

It Can Help With Intimacy

For many reasons, sometimes intimacy isn't what it once was in a relationship. Either emotional or sexual intimacy can feel like it has tapered off dramatically since the beginning of a relationship. Instead of trying to wrack your brains trying to figure out where it began to plateau, couples counseling can help you gain insight. Counseling gives you a safe space to discuss touchy issues that may otherwise turn into an argument.

It Helps You Acknowledge Your Actions

Having an unbiased third party can help you acknowledge your actions and words. It can help both partners see how what they are doing or saying is affecting the relationship. It gives each partner a chance to see things in a new light they may not have before.

Couples counseling can be highly effective for relationships and marriages. But it isn't a magical fix. It does require that both parties actively put the work and effort into learning the most they can from their therapist.

If you are ready to begin healing your relationship, let's connect.